Quilt as you Go? Hmmmm…

So, I made a baby quilt when I was pregnant using the quilt as you go method.  I did not like it at all.  That was 14+years ago.  I am thinking over time I may have gained skill, knowledge and patience.  Jeez, I hope I gained something.   I belong to a Facebook group for quilt as you go.  I have seen quite a few beautiful quilt as you go pieces, so I thought maybe I should re-investigate this method.

So, since I am participating in the Fall quilt Along, I thought this might be the time to give it a shot.  So, I watched a few videos again on quilt as you go.  I was especially fond of Leah Days videos on this technique.  Gosh she makes it look easy.  So, Since the fall quilt along is blocks, I figured that it would be a good one to do.

So, I took the plunge.  I quilted my hedgehog block.  I don’t hate it yet, but I have not tried to put them together yet either.  That will be the tell-tale sign for me.  Time will tell.

Happy Sewing

Happy Quilting