A Day Off

So, today I did not go to the hospital (Check Miranda’s Journey page for the latest updates). Last night I fell asleep after dinner (before 6pm) and did not wake up until 8:30 today.  Guess I needed it.  So, I did some laundry and made dinner.  I also got  little sewing time in.  Decided that I needed to see something finished.

20160925_175920I actually made these bibs for my future grandchildren (just in case I don’t get to meet them).  They are made from recycled jeans.  Jeans that belonged to me and my late husband Derrick.  I am hoping that will someday mean something to Haley and/or Miranda.  No to bad on the applique portion.  Over time I will make more to give away.  But, sometimes you just need to see 20160925_175930something finished.

I am still working on my Hospital Hexies.  I should have an update on that soon.

Thanks to all my quilting and blogging friends for caring about Miranda and my family.  It truly does mean a lot.

Happy Quilting

Happy Sewing

Treasure your Family

Hospital English Paper Piecing

So, since quilting is my stress reliever. and I am spending a lot of time at the hospital with my daughter since her accident, I decided to try English Paper piecing.  I haven’t got much accomplished, since I still can’t think straight.  Miranda is doing better, which I am grateful for.  We still have a long way to go.

I don’t really have a plan for my “Dog Bones” (I hope that is what they look like), but it could turn into a table topper for dresser.  I guess that would make it a dresser scarf or something.  Not really sure.  Depends on how difficult it turns out to be.  So far, not to hard and it doesn’t take up to much space to work on, so that makes it easy at the hospital.

Thanks to all for the kind words during our difficult time.  They have been much appreciated.  To Follow Miranda’s Progress, please click on Miranda’s Journey Page.

Happy Quilting

Happy Sewing

Treasure your Family

Something pretty Amidst the Darkness

This is a quilt I made my youngest daughter when she was a baby.  It has multiple fabric types for that “special feel”.  I felt I needed to post a picture of a quilt.  They are comforting.






On August 22nd, my older daughter was in a head on collision

Resized_20160824_120642on the freeway.  Darn near everything was broken; legs, ankles, knees, feet, elbows, collarbones, ribs, punctured lungs lacerated liver, spleen and intestines.  Fortunately, there was no head injuries.  Today was Miranda’s sixth day of surgery.  She still has more ahead of her.  She is still here.  For this I am grateful.  I don’t think I could stand losing another loved one.  I must thank family ( who came immediately) and friends for their support, especially Susan from DesertSky Quilting.  She was up texting me late night so I would not lose my mind.  It will be a long road to recovery, but we will get there.

Happy Sewing

Happy Quilting

Treasure your Family