Some Progress

One of the local quilt shops I frequent, sells scrap bags. I bought one of these $12.00 scrap bags. I like to try and see what I can make out of the bag, by maybe only adding a background fabric. I do like a challenge. For this I added the Royal blue from my stash. I am the crazy dog lady, so I hung this up in my hallway (there was an empty spot).

This has been my helper lately. One of the things that is wearing me out, is getting up to iron. I have had this tool for years and it was still in the package when I recently got it out. It has been helpful in flattening seams so I don’t have to constantly get up to item. I have really only been using it on small seams, but it does a pretty good job. It extends my sewing time a bit and at this point, I will take anything.

What Else?

I save all my scraps that are not big enough to do anything with. Then I make dog beds for Shelters and organizations that help pets. There is no point in putting them in the trash when they can be upcycled to something useful. I use a heavyweight cotton and put a zipper in each one. I put my scraps inside a trash bag, so they are easily removed and the cover can be washed. I have a couple laying around my house for our dogs and I donated these five to “Barely Used Pets”. Interestingly, I also receive monthly medication that needs refrigerated. It comes with ice packs and recycled cotton as an insulator. Of course I save all this cotton, tear it up and use it in the dog beds.

Happy Sewing

Happy Quilting

19 thoughts on “Some Progress

  1. I admire people who make things for animals from their scraps. It’s a lovely thing to do. That tool is called a brayer here in the UK. Maybe there, too? I would never have thought to use it for flattening seams.

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  2. Hi Lori! I’m so glad you are feeling a bit better and up to sewing. That has to help you feel like you’re getting back to ‘normal’, if there is such a thing. That roller tool looks quite handy. I wish I had one for my current project. It seems as if I iron the seams one way to nest and then when I put them together they really need to be going the other way. Ugg. Then I just finger press them instead of hopping up all the time. The scraps for dog beds is a great idea. I need to contact our humane society and see if they would like items like that. ~smile~ Roseanne

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    1. I keep a “fabric/batting” trash can. When it’s full I tie up the bag and put it in a zippered cover. That way you can wipe off the plastic bag and stick the cover in the washer. I have bought expensive dog beds and now just use these because they are easier to clean. Small ones work great for cats too! Thanks Roseanne!

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  3. Love that cute quilt Lori. I also make kennel quilts, but never thought of putting the scraps in a trash bag. Genius! I’ll have to start recycling my scraps using your method. So glad you are able to sew a bit more these days. 😉

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