Look what I got!

I got a Handi-Quilter Simply Sixteen and a little foot frame.  I am so excited.  I have wanted one for a long time, but I find it so hard to spend money on something I want.  I constantly think about the fact that I still have a child to educate blah blah blah.  The household consensus was “you really need to do something for you”.  SO, I got crazy and did.

It was super easy to set up. I was off practicing my quilting in no time.  The hardest part was adjusting the tension.

Now I am afraid to start on one of the many tops I have waiting.  I will have to bite the bullet and do it.  I think I will likely start with one of my ugly quilts.

More to come.

Tomorrow is that day.  The day I lost my sweet sister Kellie.  While it huts every day, that day is a reminder that I would rather not have.  I have to go to the office, which I am not sure is a good thing or a bad thing.  Hoping it keeps my mind occupied.  If nothing else, at least it will be just me, hiding in my office.

Happy Sewing

Happy Quilting

Treasure your Family

24 thoughts on “Look what I got!

  1. I love the new machine. If going to the office helps, then go. However,, at some point this week, you may need to sit down and have a good cry. Let it come, a wise pastor once told me, “God made tears for a reason. Let them come.” You’ll get through it, but you’ll get through it better with a good cry, so please, cry it out and chat us up if you need to. If it’s not to early for this, consider doing something you and Kellie would have done together to honor her. I find the day you need to cry doesn’t give a crap about the dates, but it does come around the same time frame. I hope this week has a good cry and lots of love for you.

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